“The difficulty of explaining ‘why I am a Catholic’ is that there are ten thousand reasons all amounting to one reason: that Catholicism is true.” (G. K. Chesterton, Why I Am a Catholic)
Are you looking for God?
Do you have questions about your self-worth, forgiveness, or the meaning and purpose of your life?
Do you have questions about religion, the existence of God, the identity of Jesus Christ, and the teachings of the Catholic faith?
Do you wonder why Christians are so divided and what is unique about the Catholic Church?
Do you have a hunger to know about the Church Jesus founded, and to know the truth that He promised will set you free?
Are you interested in learning more about the Bible?
Do you want to know how to pray, and what it means to live as a Christian?
Were you baptized Catholic but never received First Communion or Confirmation? Are you a baptized Christian interested in becoming Catholic?
For more than two thousand years, the Catholic Church has safeguarded and handed down to each generation the fullness of the Christian faith, making Jesus Christ present in every time and place and inviting all to know and follow Him. We invite you to bring your questions to Jesus, confident that He will answer through the Church He left us. Healing, forgiveness, and peace are available to you in the Catholic Church. Jesus is knocking — will you answer?
If you have immediate questions or would like some help on your journey of faith, please contact us!